soft tissue injuries, Uncategorized


Commonly referred as STI, these are injuries to muscles, ligaments and tendons. The injuries are commonly ligament sprain, muscle strain, contusion and overuse injuries.

STI is characterized by pain, swelling, redness and heat. It can also include loss of function. Let’s focus on each one differently;


Contusion: this results from direct blow to the skin, like a knock during a match or fall on hard surface. It’s characterized by swelling and discoloration of the skin as a result of the underlying muscle fibers and connective tissue being crushed.

Muscle strain: this results from overstretching of muscle/tendon fibers. It can be simple stretch or complete tear. Commonly affected muscles are hamstrings. Muscle strain are graded from 1-3. 1 being mild, 2 moderate and 3 severe/complete tear.

Ligament sprain: results from stretching or tear of ligament. Ligaments are structures that connect a bone to another bone.  Moderate sprain or severe/complete tear results to joint instability. Knee and ankle are most affected. They are graded from 1-3.


It’s important to note that healing takes place in three phases: inflammation, proliferation and remodeling phase. Management depends on the phase of injury, hence the need to visit your physician or physical therapist for appropriate management.

For long we have been applying ice and giving medication; anti-inflammatory and paracetamol, however recent research suggests otherwise.

During the first phase of healing, the inflammation phase; platelet aggregate, there is blood coagulation, lymph channels are sealed off and arterioles constrict within the first minutes of injury, this is to minimize bleeding and exposure to external environment. Vasodilation follows increasing blood flow of the affected/ injured vessels while the non-injured dilate in response to chemicals released from injured tissue; histamine and prostaglandins.  Application of ice reduce will reduce inflammation, the natural process of healing. So do anti-inflammatory drugs.

What to do in case of STI.

  • sti
    compression of ankle joint.

    Prevent from further injury- withdraw the causative factors, if play, withdraw the athlete. Avoid activities that increase pain in the first few days.

  • Elevate the affected part slightly above the heart level if possible.
  • Avoid giving anti-inflammatory or paracetamol unless necessary
  • Compress the affected site by using creep bandage/ any elastic bandage
  • Educate/ learn about the condition.
  • During the second phase of healing, basically from day 5, start loading weight on the affected site with pain being your guide.
  • Be optimistic, this gives confidence during activities.
  • Do pain free cardiovascular exercises
  • Start exercising the affected site to restore mobility, strength, and proprioception.

Different methods of treatment are used in different phases of healing guided by the type of injury.

Visit us on Fridays and Saturdays at Thika, for more.

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